How do our enquiries link to real world application?

Ages suitable for 5-11 year-olds

Education in science and mathematics should develop the natural intellectual curiosity and creativity of young people.

To support practical science activity in primary schools, Brian Cox, the Royal Society's Professor for Public Engagement in Science, presents a series of video resources to increase teachers' confidence with experimental science and relate the experiments to the real world. 

The resources support six experiments across the primary science curriculum, and each written resource is supported by four videos.

1. Do plants need soil to grow? Produced by Science and Plants for Schools.

2. How does exercise affect your heart rate? A Practical Biology experiment, produced by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Biology.

3. What temperature does chocolate melt at?

4. How do you get clean water from dirty sea water?

5. How do you change the volume and pitch of sound? Produced by the Ogden Trust.

6. How do you change the size of a shadow? Produced by the Ogden Trust

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