Great Talk Prompts


Often we can assume that effective talk comes easily. Talking is a skill that we need to hone just like any other. Science is a collaborative subject, with people across the globe sharing fields of research, business and endeavour. Use the Great Science Talking Prompts to support your pupils in talking effectively in groups by thinking about the verbal behaviours they use when they react to what other people say and seek to clarify understanding in discussions.


  • Explain that there are no right or wrong verbal behaviours - each are helpful when used at the right time for the right purpose.

  • Model how different kinds of talking behaviours can impact on group discussions. Being right isn’t always persuasive, so showing how we use talk to bring influence other people is something to master.

  • Encourage pupils to have confidence to share opinions even if they are different to what others are saying. Setting the culture to listen to different viewpoints is necessary in science and life.